Dumbing Down Series

This series is designed to dumb down the listener! Permanent! And it’s addictive! So be careful what you wish for! All the effects are driven by lots and lots of pleasure, conditioning you to enjoy slowly becoming dumber and dumber… Use Headphones for all of those!

For optimal results listen for at least 5 times (that is five orgasms, not five loops of the file) before going to the next file, ideally 10 times!

The light versions in the later files use less tracks to be less confusing.

Dumbing Down 1 – Just a little bit dumber

A masturbation loop dumbing the listener down, but this time i didn’t take the usual care to make it temporary, so it’s far more effective. While listening you will be in a state of mindless bliss, after listening you will almost recover, but with every listen you will stay the tiniest bit dumber than before…

It also raises your orgasm threshold with every listening, thereby giving you really nice orgasms to keep you listening! This is from my poison cabinet… listen to it at your own risk and be sure you want to become dumber!

Dumbing Down 2 – Even dumber

Second part in the dumbing down series… more or less a more intense version of the first file with a special focus on taking longer and longer to get (almost) back to normal after listening.. As all files in this series – it’s permanent… listen to it at your own risk and be sure you want to become dumber!

Dumbing Down 3 – Getting a bit ditzy

Third part in the dumbing down series… the effects will start to show in your everyday life, you will make more mistakes, mix up or miss words more often and make more typos… As all files in this series – it’s permanent… listen to it at your own risk and be sure you want to become dumber!

Dumbing Down 4 – Intellectual starvation

The fourth part in the dumbing down series… Will subtly change your media taste so you will consume more “dumb” media and avoid anything that stimulates your intellect thereby starving your intellect… As all files in this series – it’s permanent… listen on your own risk and be sure you want to become dumber!

Dumbing Down 5 – Happy and blissful

The fifth part in the dumbing down series… It’s about enjoying the nice side effects of being dumb, the blissful ignorance, the happiness that comes with being dumb… The happy euphoric feeling that comes with being to dumb to worry… As all files in this series – it’s permanent… listen to it at your own risk and be sure you want to become dumber!

Dumbing down 6 – Horny and dumb

The sixth part in the dumbing down series… loop it, masturbate and i use your arousal to tie being dumb and being horny together.. so as you’re already dumber you will be horny all the time.. and when you get really horny you will get completely dumb… And you will enjoy being dumb and horny so much… As all files in this series – it’s permanent… listen to it at your own risk and be sure you want to become dumber!

Dumbing Down 6b – Dumb porn addict

A little add-on to the sixth file – makes you addicted to watching porn and listen to this file and masturbate.. and every time you do you will get dumber.. also makes you perpetually horny.. and every time you try to focus, try to be smart or at least try to pretend you’re smart the desire for porn will flood your mind, making it hard to focus! I kept this separate from the main part so it’s optional… As all files in this series – it’s permanent… listen to it at your own risk and be sure you want to become dumber!

Dumbing Down 7 – Math Confusion

The seventh part in the dumbing down series… By know you’re too dumb to do math anyway… So enjoy the math confusion! Math is far too hard for you! You just let someone else do it and be happy that you can just be dumb and horny… This is a “light” Version, without the confusing layer some test subject found.. well – too confusing! As all files in this series – it’s permanent… listen to it at your own risk and be sure you want to become unable to do any math!

Dumbing Down 8 – Like…

The eighth part in the dumbing down series… you know people who use the word “like” as a colloquial quotative… Like… they are to dumb to articulate themselves intelligently… That’s what’s going to happen to you once you listen to this file… You will start to use it…. and then use it more often… so everyone who talks to you notices how dumb you are… As all files in this series – it’s permanent… listen to it at your own risk and be sure you want to talk stereotypically dumb!

Dumbing Down 9 – Passive

You’re so dumb already… it’s now time for you to become more passive… you don’t make the decisions – smarter people decide things for you.. but you like it that way… thinking and making decisions is so hard! You rather be dumb and happy and horny all of the time… and when you try to make decisions, they are only stupid anyway… so let other people think for you and enjoy being dumb! As all files in this series – it’s permanent… Listen to it at your own risk and be sure that you want other people to think and decide things for you!

Dumbing Down 10 – Simple Language

The tenth part in the dumbing down series… it will get to use less polysyllabic words… with every syllable in a word you get twice as confused… the effect grows stronger until you loose your train of thought completely every time you use a word with 5 syllables… and every time it happens it makes you feel so dumb and happy and horny… conditioning you more… so sooner or later it happens with words with four syllables… or three… so everyone who talks to you will notice how dumb you are… As all files in this series – it’s permanent… listen to it at your own risk and be sure you want to talk in short words!

Dumbing Down 11 – Simple Thoughts

The eleventh part in the dumbing down series… It will make your thoughts simpler! Whenever you try to think hard, complex thoughts your mind will spin, you will feel dizzy… but when you think nice and simple thoughts you feel good… you feel happy and horny and blissful… This might even result in you liking childish things, because they are so simple – just like you are… and all the hard complex things are to hard to think about anyway! As all files in this series – it’s permanent… listen to it at your own risk and be sure you want your thoughts to become more simple!

Dumbing Down 12 – Permanency and Reinforcement

The twelfth part in the dumbing down series… This file reinforces all the previous files and makes all effects more permanent… this time you will also have to repeat that you’re dumb and happy and horny… and that’s what the file does, it ties the three together… so you will experience them all together… which means that all pleasure makes you so dumb and happy… but you will also feel dumb and horny when you’re happy and of course still happy and horny when you feel dumb… As all files in this series – it’s permanent… listen to it at your own risk and be sure you want it to become even more effective and permanent!

Dumbing Down 13 – Loss of Reading

The thirteenth part in the dumbing down series… This file works a bit like the first part, but makes it really hard to read after you listened… Of course it will come back after a while, but not all of it… your reading will stay the tiniest bit slower, maybe a few words won’t come back… but it will feel really good… because you don’t need to be able to read… you just want to be dumb and happy and horny! As all files in this series – it’s permanent… listen to it at your own risk and be sure you want to loose the ability to read!

Listen to this Hypnosis for free now!

You like what you hear? Please keep in mind that this really takes a lot of time and efford. If you want to support me, please visit my profle at PATREON and help me too keep Vive Hypnosis alive!

37 replies
  1. E M
    E M says:

    I’m at 6th step, but at the moment i dont want to continue further. Can i use the permanency file to reinforce just the first 6 steps or do i need do all the steps?

    • Debbie L Headley
      Debbie L Headley says:

      I did them all and added baby loop I never thought I would be so happy to be so dependant on someone else to take care of me. I can no longer read or write this is posted by my caregiver. I have no idea what she is posting but I am so happy I don’t have to think about anything anymore.

  2. Debbie L Headley
    Debbie L Headley says:

    Be careful what you wish for. This really works. I challenged my boyfriend he was very skeptical and decided that he wanted me to try this on him to debunk this program. I can honestly say he started out with a professional rating of 165 iq we logged his progress over a continuous use of all these files on a loop. After three months he was tested again and had lowered his iq to 90 . After three more months he has become non verbal with a professional rating iq of about 45 they guess because he no longer has cognitive abilities. After another three months of not listening to the hypnosis mp3s he still is nonverbal and can’t read or write . He is drooling and wearing diapers and using them just like an infant does he’s not aware of any of his bowl movements or wetting in his diaper. If he is playing a joke it’s on him.

    • Debbie L Headley
      Debbie L Headley says:

      Because of his condition and him not legally able to make any adult decisions we can’t be married. He got his wish he now lives a life of a baby. I am now just his caregiver.

  3. 马哥
    马哥 says:

    I couldn’t help myself become wet when I was watching the introduce,let me become your loyal Guinea pig and brainwashed toy,
    I volunteered to accept all serious and permanent hypnotic recordings,the more serious the more better,ibeg you

  4. Julia
    Julia says:

    These files are amazing would you ever consider expanding on them in a dark and forceful way maybe bridging them and bimbo pride?

  5. Michael
    Michael says:

    Ok… so I’m a little scared to try this,is there any sort of undo hypnosis or something because I feel addicted and I was just trialing some of the files and I like it a lot, so the question is can it wear off if you stop listening to it or is it just straight up permanent

    • Vive
      Vive says:

      It will mostly wear off once you stay away from them.

      And i also have lot’s of non permanent, triggerable, and other dumbing down files. Use them if you don’t want to be permadumb…

      Why can’t anybody read the descriptions?

  6. James
    James says:

    Sir, it’s having an effect. I listened to these last week and since then had a cloud in my head, a sense of fug and stupidity which doesn’t go away.

  7. Kuda
    Kuda says:

    Would be very nice to see another part to this, perhaps focusing on memory. There’s stuff about focus and attention span but not so much about forgetting things (aside from words and such, obviously).

  8. Kassandra
    Kassandra says:

    I uhm… listened to the first uh four of these so far. I like listened to them over and over and every time it just feels gooder. I started listening a couple of days ago and uhm it really feels so good. I am not listening ove rand over to intellectuial starvation.

    I wanna spend like all my weekend listening to these it feels so good. so good.

  9. sissy Barbie
    sissy Barbie says:

    Uh I am like

    dumb happy and horny

    dumb happy nad horny

    It´s like so wunderfull to be dumb happy and horny

    It´s like so hot



  10. Lilly-Anne
    Lilly-Anne says:

    I just started with these files and they make me feel like so wonderful. I didnt expect it going in

  11. Emilia
    Emilia says:

    How many times do I have to listen for extreme results or should I just keep it on in the background for that?

  12. renard
    renard says:

    these do worl
    at firs skeptical iwas but over time i rlly did get t dumber n now am so addicted
    have proof if anyone skeptical i thin i hade uh um 126 iQ now tink liast i checj 86,?
    really dos drain brains and put me back en diapurs
    butit feels reaal good would recommend to a friend

  13. Keith
    Keith says:

    I’ve been looping these files for hours and I love how much they get inside my head. Keeps me horny and feeling so dumb. Love these files.

  14. Emi
    Emi says:

    I just started listening. Don’t know how it’s going to go. I’ve cum to just the first file 2 times. Still trying to figure out if I’m going to do it 5 times or 10 times before moving on. I have to say some of the comments kind of scare me. I don’t like the idea of ending up in diapers. However I have always had a fascination with being dumb and horny. I guess I can always try to back out if it gets too intense.

  15. Dumbslutbambi
    Dumbslutbambi says:

    Luv these would love mor um can you make more pleese and mix it wit bimbo pride it would be supper fun

  16. Renard
    Renard says:

    Hi my name Renard and I used to be smart but got sums down and have prof if anyone thinks not work hade me autistic in a lot of ways and want brain back but can’t cause not smart enough my ig is has prof @dogepudge23
    Look for the 🐮 (moo )

  17. Bambi
    Bambi says:

    To Sir,

    Bambi humbly hopes to hear Sir prettily say these 3 words, over & over 4ever & ever: arouse, aroused, arousal.


  18. Karma
    Karma says:


    I wanted to write in. To those who want to be horny and dumb please listen to rhis and the yes sir file along with it. Yes sor files make you feeell safe and good and tryst nothing that you don’t want to install in your brainwashing won’t stick.
    Meaning if you just wanna get dumb and horny but not so much that your in diapers. You can use the yes sir file to make aure that any suggestion you hear that you no like it will not stick in your mind. Feels safe honestly.

    I hope this made sense. I just wanna help my fellow hypno porn adicts/toys (especially the newer ppl)

    Sorry for sleplling writing comments make me feel soooooooooooooppplb gooodd

    • Karma
      Karma says:

      lol it’s me again! With a more clear mind. I only do 6 and 6b on this series because I’m not interested in being in diapers. So for those who want the dumb and horny effect just stick with those. And yes even now after taking a break I still feel some of the effects like coming back for more every so often so these do indeed stick with you even if your in a clearer mind. And the only reason why I’m commenting again is because I know there’s fellow hypnosis fans that wanna get into this series (or series like this) but are nervous like I was, and seeing a comment like this would have made my hypno journey feel more safer. Just doge the things you know you don’t want to try. And vive is honestly a very safe and fun hypothesis no suggestion you don’t want will stick. Have fun!


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